Still want to eat Geragau Shrimp

Ahad, Ogos 02, 2009

From: sitimahyun



Selama 3 hari bermula 10-12 Julai 2009, aku berkesempatan
mengiringi Ketua Jabatan ke lawatan penyelidikan ke Daerah
Larut Matang dan Kerian, Perak. InsyaAllah bermula dengan
entri pada hari ini, aku akan menyelitkan apa yang menarik di
daerah tersebut. Mana yang baik ambillah ia dijadikan contoh.
Manakala yang tidak dijadikan ingatan sepanjang hidup.
(For 3 days beginning 10-12 Julai 2009, I had
position to accompany the Chairman of the investigation to

the Regional Larut and Kerian, Perak. Insya'Allah begins with
entry on this day, I will tuck anything that happening

in this interesting area. Which will made it take a good example.)

Aku pasti, bila ditanya tentang udang geragau. Pasti kalian rasa
teruja dengan rasanya. Udang geragau ini apabila dimasak
dengan nasi goreng memang menyelerakan. Itu belum lagi di
tambah dalam masakan-masakan lain dan ada sesetengah
mereka menjadikannya bahan utama utama untuk resipi sambal
dan kuah bagi mee.
(I am sure, when asked about the geragau shrimp. Sure you feel
very yummy with it. When the geragau shrimp is cooked with
fried rice is to be very tasty. It was not yet in
add-in cooking and culinary. Some have make the main material

for the main condiment recipe and dressing for mee.)

Aku terjumpa secara tidak sengaja industri ini ketika hari
terakhir selepas tiba  di jeti Kuala Gula, Kerian semalam.
Aku lihat masyarakat Cina di sini yang merupakan nelayan
kebanyakannya, menjadikan udang geragau sebagai hasil
pendapatan mereka. Aku agak terkejut dengan penemuan ini.
Lihat sajalah udang yang dijemur itu hanya diletakkan di atas
kanvas di atas tanah. Selalunya bagi mereka yang arif,
penjemuran seperti ini dibuat di atas pangkin khas.
(I accidentally exist with this industry when the last visit after arriving
in Kuala Gula jeti, Kerian yesterday. I see Chinese people here who are
fishermen make shrimp geragau largely as a result
their income. I was quite surprised with this discovery.
View only dried shrimp that is only placed on the canvas on the

ground. Often for the wise, such as drying is built on the uniquely

Udang geragau yang basah dijemur. Kemudian pekerja Indonesia
membalik-balikkan udang itu supaya ia cepat kering. Apa yang tidak
sepatutnya berlaku ialah, pakaian pekerja berkenaan.

(Geragau Shrimp wet will be dried. Indonesian workers will always
keep turning the shrimp so that it dried quickly. What should not
apply to workers is how to dress)
Lihatlah mereka hanya berpakaian seluar pendek sahaja. Rambut
dan peluh bila-bila masa sahaja boleh tercampur sekali dengan
geragau tersebut.
(You see, they wear short pant and t-shirt only. Hair and sweat,
anytime can mixed wth geragau shrimp.)
Lihat juga kasut yang mereka pakai. Kasut itulah juga digunakan
untuk memijak tanah di luar kanvas. Sedap bukan udang geragau
yang kita makan?
(See also the sandals that they wear. Slippers that is also used
to tread the ground outside the canvas. Very savory geragau
shrimp not that we eat?)
Ini pula penemuan yang lebih mengejutkan! Tiba-tiba aku ternampak
dua ekor anjing berkeliaran di kawasan jemuran tersebut.
(This is also a more surprising discovery! Suddenly I see two stray
dog tails in the laundry area)
Anjing-anjing tersebut dengan selamba melalui kawasan kanvas
jemuran. Manakala pekerja industri itu hanya membiarkan anjing-anjing
itu tanpa dihalau.
(Dogs that come to the laundry is left only. Industry workers only see
the dog and let the dogs without a chase.)
Lihatlah betapa enaknya geragau yang bakal tiba di rumah kita
dikongsi bersama dengan anjing-anjing ini. Malah dapat dilihat
anjing-anjing berkenaan memijak geragau yang sedang dijemur tersebut.
(Look how sweet shrimp geragau which will arrive at our home and we
share it with the dogs. Even a dog can be dog-dealing step geragau that
are dried in.)
Aku semakin teruja melihat gelagat anjing-anjing tersebut dan terus
menghalakan camera D60 untuk meneruskan kerja-kerja mengambil gambar.
(I am excited to continue to see the temperament of dogs while taking
pictures using the D60.
And ...)
Gambar di atas menjadi finale kepada industri geragau yang aku
lihat! Lihatlah kelibat sang anjing di kiri gambar yang sengaja kencing
hanya beberapa sentimeter sahaja dari kanvas jemuran!
Astagfirullah! Jadi kalian, masih mahu makan udang geragau lagi?
Entah mengapa aku geleng kepala. Dalam keadaan kita gegak gempita
dengan isu makanan halal di Malaysia, kita masih terlupa melihat
perkara syubhah seperti ini. Aduhai!
(Image above a finale to the industry geragau that I see! Look at the dog
involved in the left image that is deliberately urinate only a few centimeters
from the canvas laundry!
Astagfirullah! So you still want to eat geragau shrimp again?
Somehow I shake my head. In the situation we are excited with
the issue of halal food in Malaysia, we are still oblivious to see things like
this. Ah!)


New way how to hide your money... Ladies Only

From: Haifa Salwa

This new way can be use :

1. After you receive your salary... by cash...
2. After you cash in your check...
3. Your husband want to borrow your money..
4. e.t.c...


Coke plus Ajinomoto Can be Used To Rape Ladies

From: Haifa Salwa



Coke+Ajinomo to Can be Used To Rape Ladies

I received a news about the recent tactic used to spike girls' drink.

It is a cheap and widely used method.

This method was used in Canny Ong murder.

Rapist uses this method.

Coca-cola+ajinomo to /monosodium glutamate = a medicine which
will cause drowsiness and excitement in the victim.

This mixture is poisonous if used to o often on the victim.

Please send this to all your female friends, sisters, & your loved ones
and ask them to beware.

DO NOT accept coca-cola or any other drinks from stranger / even
if it  is your friend that you are not very close with.


Hishamuddin Alias ( ASP )
Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Berat
IPK Kuala Lumpur


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